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Zu den Schwerpunkten unserer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit zählen wir die Früherkennung und die Frühverläufe psychotischer Störungen, die wir im Rahmen der Forschungsambulanz BoFiT untersuchen. Die neurobiologischen Grundlagen dieser Erkrankungen werden überdies im Tiermodell erforscht. Wir gehen hierbei vor allem der Frage nach, inwieweit bereits vorgeburtliche Einflüsse wie Entzündungsvorgänge Einfluss auf die Hirnreifung nehmen.

Bei unseren Forschungsaktivitäten setzen wir verschiedene technische Methoden ein, die die Grundlage einer genauen psychopathologischen Charakterisierung darstellen. Dazu zählen neuropsychologische Verfahren, anatomische und funktionelle Kernspintomografie, Neurophysiologie, Neurochemie und Genetik. Unsere wissenschaftliche Arbeit befasst sich in besonderem Maße mit den Frühverläufen psychischer Erkrankungen, um chronische Verläufe psychischer Störungen durch möglichst früh einsetzende Therapien abzumildern oder im Idealfall gar zu verhindern.



Die wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkte der Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Präventivmedizin des LWL-Universitätsklinikums Bochum orientieren sich zu einem maßgeblichen Teil an den klinischen Versorgungsinhalten. Zum anderen stellt die Grundlagenforschung im Bereich funktioneller Psychosen (Schizophrenie, affektive Störungen) und schwerer Persönlichkeitsstörungen einen wichtigen Baustein der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit dar.

Generell gilt, dass an der Entstehung psychischer Erkrankungen sowohl neurobiologische als auch psychosoziale Faktoren von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Das Zusammenspiel dieser Faktoren näher zu beleuchten, ist Ziel unserer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit.


Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von Veröffentlichungen und Publikationen aus den zurückliegenden Jahren.

Publikationen 2024

  • Treatment of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): study protocol for a parallel, randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled, multicenter trial (Stim-ADHD). Mauche N, Ulke C, Huang J, Franke A, Bogatsch H, Ethofer T, Grimm O, Frodl T, Hoffmann K, Juckel G, Kittel-Schneider S, Mehren A, Philipsen A, Plewnia C, Reif A, Ziegler GC, Strauß M. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2024; 274(1): 71-82, doi:10.1007/s00406-023-01652-4
  • Young people at risk for developing bipolar disorder: Two-year findings from the multicenter prospective, naturalistic Early-BipoLife study. Martini J, Bröckel KL, Leopold K, Berndt C, Sauer C, Maicher B, Juckel G, Krüger-Özgürdal S, Fallgatter AJ, Lambert M, Bechdolf A, Reif A, Matura S, Biere S, Kittel-Schneider S, Stamm T, Bermpohl F, Kircher T, Falkenberg I, Jansen A, Dannlowski U, Correll CU, Fusar-Poli P, Hempel LM, Mikolas P, Ritter P, Bauer M, Pfennig A. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2024; 78(): 43-53, doi:10.1016/j.euroneuro.2023.10.001
  • Antidepressants for prevention of severe COVID-19, Long COVID and outlook for other viral diseases. Bonnet U, Juckel G, Kuhn J. Front Med (Lausanne) 2024; 11: 1305184, doi:10.3389/fmed.2024.1305184
  • Internet-based psychoeducation and support programme for relatives of young people with early psychosis: results of the first German-language intervention. Rus-Calafell M, Teismann T, Kullmann F, Alatas D, Ballero-Reque C, Holewa J, Rüsberg M, Brüne M, Paino M, Schneider S. Front Psychiatry 2024; 15: 1248526, doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1248526
  • The impact of emotional dysregulation and comorbid depressive symptoms on clinical features, brain arousal, and treatment response in adults with ADHD. Huang J, Mauche N, Ahlers E, Bogatsch H, Böhme P, Ethofer T, Fallgatter AJ, Gallinat J, Hegerl U, Heuser I, Hoffmann K, Kittel-Schneider S, Reif A, Schöttle D, Unterecker S, Strauß M. Front Psychiatry 2024; 14:1294314. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1294314
  • [Virtual reality in teaching using mentally ill patient avatars]. Mavrogiorgou P, Böhme P, Kramer M, Vanscheidt S, Schoppa T, Hooge V, Lüdike N, Pfeiffer T, Juckel G. Nervenarzt 2024; 95(3): 247-253, doi:10.1007/s00115-024-01610-y
  • Can people empathize with offenders and victims during violent scenes? Behavioral and brain correlates of affective and cognitive empathy considering victim vs. offender perspective using the Bochumer affective and cognitive empathy task (BACET). Hernandez Pena L, Weidacker K, Massau C, Wetzel K, Brand AL, Weckes K, Opwis M, Schiffer B, Kärgel C. Neuropsychologia 2024; 194: 108784, doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2023.108784
  • Prediction of estimated risk for bipolar disorder using machine learning and structural MRI features. Mikolas P, Marxen M, Riedel P, Bröckel K, Martini J, Huth F, Berndt C, Vogelbacher C, Jansen A, Kircher T, Falkenberg I, Lambert M, Kraft V, Leicht G, Mulert C, Fallgatter AJ, Ethofer T, Rau A, Leopold K, Bechdolf A, Reif A, Matura S, Bermpohl F, Fiebig J, Stamm T, Correll CU, Juckel G, Flasbeck V, Ritter P, Bauer M, Pfennig A. Psychol Med 2024; 54(2): 278-288, doi:10.1017/S0033291723001319
  • The ethological method for studying facial behavior in schizophrenia. Troisi A, Brüne M. Schizophr Res 2024; 264:147-148. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2023.12.014

Publikationen 2023

  • When Treatment Pressures Become Coercive: A Context-Sensitive Model of Informal Coercion in Mental Healthcare. Hempeler C, Braun E, Potthoff S, Gather J, Scholten M. Am J Bioeth 2023: 1-13, doi:10.1080/15265161.2023.2232754
  • [Perioperative anxiety and fear of death]. Mavrogiorgou P, Zogas H, Zogas G, Juckel G, Heuer JF. Anaesthesiologie 2023; 72(4): 266-272, doi:10.1007/s00101-023-01267-3
  • Endocannabinergic modulation of central serotonergic activity in healthy human volunteers. Emons B, Arning L, Makulla VE, Suchy MT, Tsikas D, Lücke T, Epplen JT, Juckel G, Roser P. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2023; 22(1): 11, doi:10.1186/s12991-023-00437-2
  • The Role of Atypical Sexual Preference and Behavior in Neuroelectrophysiological Research of Human Sexual Behavior. Ristow I, Kärgel C. Arch Sex Behav 2023; 52(2): 607-610, doi:10.1007/s10508-021-01927-8
  • The significance of nonurgent psychiatric emergencies in an ED: a retrospective study. Kirchner H, Ullrich H, Neu P, Hulsmans N, Juckel G, Brzoska P. BMC Emerg Med 2023; 23(1): 131, doi:10.1186/s12873-023-00900-z
  • The somatic care of patients with comorbid mental disorders: protocol of a mixed-methods study aiming to identify barriers to and enablers of utilization of somatic healthcare (SoKo). Groß SE, Schellartz I, Zielasek J, Schlomann L, Klee I, Ritschel C, Engemann S, Steffens B, Jänner M, Funken O, Juckel G, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E. BMC Health Serv Res 2023; 23(1): 589, doi:10.1186/s12913-023-09525-1
  • Situational vulnerability within mental healthcare - a qualitative analysis of ethical challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Faissner M, Werning A, Winkelkötter M, Foullois H, Löhr M, Gather J. BMC Med Ethics 2023; 24(1): 31, doi:10.1186/s12910-023-00910-3
  • Embitterment and metacognition in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Mavrogiorgou P, Becker S, Lee-Grimm SI, Juckel G. BMC Psychiatry 2023; 23(1): 146, doi:10.1186/s12888-023-04642-x
  • Rodent models for mood disorders - understanding molecular changes by investigating social behavior. Reinhardt PR, Theis CDC, Juckel G, Freund N. Biol Chem 2023; 404(10): 939-950, doi:10.1515/hsz-2023-0190
  • Boosting the Theory of Mind Network: Specific Psychotherapy Increases Neural Correlates of Affective Theory of Mind in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder. Meyer K, Hindi Attar C, Fiebig J, Stamm T, Bassett TR, Bauer M, Dannlowski U, Ethofer T, Falkenberg I, Jansen A, Juckel G, Kircher T, Mulert C, Leicht G, Rau A, Ritter D, Ritter P, Trost S, Vogelbacher C, Walter H, Wolter S, Hautzinger M, Bermpohl F. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 2023; 8(5): 572-580, doi:10.1016/j.bpsc.2022.08.013
  • Daring to Feel: Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy Increases Amygdala Activation and Connectivity in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Meyer K, Hindi Attar C, Fiebig J, Stamm T, Bassett TR, Bauer M, Dannlowski U, Ethofer T, Falkenberg I, Jansen A, Juckel G, Kircher T, Mulert C, Leicht G, Rau A, Rauh J, Ritter D, Ritter P, Trost S, Vogelbacher C, Walter H, Wolter S, Hautzinger M, Bermpohl F. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 2023; 8(7): 750-759, doi:10.1016/j.bpsc.2023.02.008
  • Is your pain my pain? A study exploring the relation between pain sensitivity, pain thresholds and empathy for somatic and psychological pain. Flasbeck V, Matthiessen A, Alabowitz A, Rusu AC, Brüne M. Br J Clin Psychol 2023; 62(4): 748-761, doi:10.1111/bjc.12436
  • Genetic variation of the 5-HT1A rs6295, 5-HT2A rs6311, and CNR1 rs1049353 and an altered endocannabinoid system in depressed patients. Obermanns J, Meiser H, Hoberg S, Vesterager CS, Schulz F, Juckel G, Emons B. Brain Behav 2023; 13(12): e3323, doi:10.1002/brb3.3323
  • Bipolar Chronobiology in Men and Mice: A Narrative Review. Freund N, Haussleiter I. Brain Sci 2023; 13(5). doi:10.3390/brainsci13050738
  • Machine Learning Prediction of Estimated Risk for Bipolar Disorders Using Hippocampal Subfield and Amygdala Nuclei Volumes. Huth F, Tozzi L, Marxen M, Riedel P, Bröckel K, Martini J, Berndt C, Sauer C, Vogelbacher C, Jansen A, Kircher T, Falkenberg I, Thomas-Odenthal F, Lambert M, Kraft V, Leicht G, Mulert C, Fallgatter AJ, Ethofer T, Rau A, Leopold K, Bechdolf A, Reif A, Matura S, Biere S, Bermpohl F, Fiebig J, Stamm T, Correll CU, Juckel G, Flasbeck V, Ritter P, Bauer M, Pfennig A, Mikolas P. Brain Sci 2023; 13(6). doi:10.3390/brainsci13060870
  • Psychosocial functioning as a mediator between childhood trauma and symptom severity in patients with schizophrenia. Neumann E, Rixe J, Driessen M, Juckel G. Child Abuse Negl 2023; 144: 106372. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106372
  • Joint Crisis Plans and Crisis Cards in Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment—a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Rixe J, Neumann E, Möller J, Macdonald L, Wrona E, Bender S, Schormann M, Juckel G, Driessen M. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2023; 120(8): 125-132, doi:10.3238/arztebl.m2022.0384
  • Hypothalamic volume in pedophilia with or without child sexual offense. Storch M, Kanthack M, Amelung T, Beier KM, Krueger THC, Sinke C, Walter H, Walter M, Schiffer B, Schindler S, Schoenknecht P. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2023; 273(6): 1295-1306, doi:10.1007/s00406-022-01501-w
  • Microbiome composition and central serotonergic activity in patients with depression and type 1 diabetes. Flasbeck V, Hirsch J, Petrak F, Meier JJ, Herpertz S, Gatermann S, Juckel G. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2023; doi:10.1007/s00406-023-01694-8
  • Opportunities and challenges of self-binding directives: A comparison of empirical research with stakeholders in three European countries. Scholten M, Efkemann SA, Faissner M, Finke M, Gather J, Gergel T, Gieselmann A, van der Ham L, Juckel G, van Melle L, Owen G, Potthoff S, Stephenson LA, Szmukler G, Vellinga A, Vollmann J, Voskes Y, Werning A, Widdershoven G. Eur Psychiatry 2023; 66(1): e48, doi:10.1192/j.eurpsy.2023.2421
  • Standard values and predictors of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised in forensic addiction treatment according to 64 German Criminal Code. Langenstueck LM, Querengaesser J, Schiffer B. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 2023;17(1): 52-60, doi:10.1007/s11757-022-00754-4
  • [Obsessive Doubting as a Philosophical-Psychopathological Phenomenon]. Mavrogiorgou P, Juckel G. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 2023; 91(3): 95-103, doi:10.1055/a-1771-6059
  • Prescription of Sedative Hypnotics in Psychiatric and Somatic Inpatients. Kramer M, Ueberberg B, Emons B, Goebel-Erkan J, Juckel G, Haussleiter IS. GeroPsych (Bern) 2023. doi:10.1024/1662-9647/a000316
  • Association between mitochondria-related genes and cognitive performance in the PsyCourse Study. Oraki Kohshour M, Schulte EC, Heilbronner U, Budde M, Kalman JL, Senner F, Heilbronner M, Reich-Erkelenz D, Schaupp SK, Vogl T, Adorjan K, Anghelescu IG, Arolt V, Baune BT, Dannlowski U, Dietrich D, Fallgatter A, Figge C, Jäger M, Lang FU, Juckel G, Konrad C, Reimer J, Reininghaus EZ, Schmauß M, Spitzer C, von Hagen M, Wiltfang J, Zimmermann J, Andlauer TFM, Nöthen MM, Degenhardt F, Forstner AJ, Rietschel M, Witt SH, Fischer A, Falkai P, Papiol S, Schulze TG. J Affect Disord 2023;325:1-6, doi:10.1016/j.jad.2023.01.013
  • Influence of Individual Personality Traits of the Reader on Visual Assessment of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: Another Reason to Abandon Visual Assessment. Knackstedt C, Ramaekers B, Schummers G, Schreckenberg M, Faessen J, Marx N, Becker M, Sanders-van Wijk S, van Empel V, Norra C, Kunert HJ, Brunner-La Rocca HP, PsychEcho study group. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2023; 36(12): 1332-1335, doi:10.1016/j.echo.2023.08.015
  • Stress-Mediated Abnormalities in Regional Myocardial Wall Motion in Young Women with a History of Psychological Trauma. Aweimer A, Engemann L, Amar S, Ewers A, Afshari F, Maiß C, Kern K, Lücke T, Mügge A, El-Battrawy I, Dietrich JW, Brüne M. J Clin Med 2023; 12(21). doi:10.3390/jcm12216702
  • 45 years German Society of Biological Psychiatry (DGBP). Riederer P, Kircher T, Juckel G, Domschke K, Schneider A, Deckert J, Falkai P. J Neural Transm 2023; 130(9): 1091-1096, doi:10.1007/s00702-023-02645-2
  • Animal Models for Mental Disorders. Juckel G, Freund N. J Neural Transm 2023; 130(9): 1089-1090, doi:10.1007/s00702-023-02672-z
  • Maternal separation and its developmental consequences on anxiety and parvalbumin interneurons in the amygdala. Abraham M, Schmerder K, Hedtstück M, Bösing K, Mundorf A, Freund N. J Neural Transm 2023; 130(9): 1167-1175, doi:10.1007/s00702-023-02657-y
  • Microglia and microbiome in schizophrenia: can immunomodulation improve symptoms? Juckel G, Freund N. J Neural Transm 2023; 130(9): 1187-1193, doi:10.1007/s00702-023-02605-w
  • Effects of human and animal-assisted skills training on oxytocin und cortisol levels in patients with borderline personality disorder. Plett O, Flasbeck V, Brüne M. J Psychiatr Res 2023; 162: 156-160, doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2023.05.004
  • Relationships between fear of flying, loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials and frontal alpha asymmetry. Flasbeck V, Engelmann J, Klostermann B, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. J Psychiatr Res 2023; 159: 145-152, doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2023.01.031
  • Evolutionary Inquiries Into the Origin and Nature of Mental Disorders. Brüne M. JAMA Psychiatry 2023; 80(6): 537-538, doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2023.0662
  • Lipid Alteration Signature in the Blood Plasma of Individuals With Schizophrenia, Depression, and Bipolar Disorder. Tkachev A, Stekolshchikova E, Vanyushkina A, Zhang H, Morozova A, Zozulya S, Kurochkin I, Anikanov N, Egorova A, Yushina E, Vogl T, Senner F, Schaupp SK, Reich-Erkelenz D, Papiol S, Kohshour MO, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Kalman JL, Heilbronner U, Heilbronner M, Gade K, Comes AL, Budde M, Anderson-Schmidt H, Adorjan K, Wiltfang J, Reininghaus EZ, Juckel G, Dannlowski U, Fallgatter A, Spitzer C, Schmauß M, von Hagen M, Zorkina Y, Reznik A, Barkhatova A, Lisov R, Mokrov N, Panov M, Zubkov D, Petrova D, Zhou C, Liu Y, Pu J, Falkai P, Kostyuk G, Klyushnik T, Schulze TG, Xie P, Schulte EC, Khaitovich P JAMA Psychiatry 2023; 80(3): 250-259, doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.4350
  • Self-binding directives in psychiatric practice: a systematic review of reasons. Stephenson L, Gieselmann A, Gergel T, Owen G, Gather J, Scholten M. Lancet Psychiatry 2023; 10(11): 887-895, doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(23)00221-3
  • Research ethics in practice: An analysis of ethical issues encountered in qualitative health research with mental health service users and relatives. Potthoff S, Hempeler C, Gather J, Gieselmann A, Vollmann J, Scholten M. Med Health Care Philos 2023; 26(4): 517-527, doi:10.1007/s11019-023-10169-5
  • Association of polygenic score and the involvement of cholinergic and glutamatergic pathways with lithium treatment response in patients with bipolar disorder. Amare AT, Thalamuthu A, Schubert KO, Fullerton JM, Ahmed M, Hartmann S, Papiol S, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hou L, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Hasler R, Richard-Lepouriel H, Perroud N, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Marie-Claire C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Jamain S, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Fallgatter AJ, Stegmaier S, Ethofer T, Biere S, Petrova K, Schuster C, Adorjan K, Budde M, Heilbronner M, Kalman JL, Kohshour MO, Reich-Erkelenz D, Schaupp SK, Schulte EC, Senner F, Vogl T, Anghelescu IG, Arolt V, Dannlowski U, Dietrich D, Figge C, Jäger M, Lang FU, Juckel G, Konrad C, Reimer J, Schmauß M, Schmitt A, Spitzer C, von Hagen M, Wiltfang J, Zimmermann J, Andlauer TFM, Fischer A, Bermpohl F, Ritter P, Matura S, Gryaznova A, Falkenberg I, Yildiz C, Kircher T, Schmidt J, Koch M, Gade K, Trost S, Haussleiter IS, Lambert M, Rohenkohl AC, Kraft V, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy S, Colom F, Millischer V, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Clark SR, Baune BT. Mol Psychiatry 2023. doi:10.1038/s41380-023-02149-1
  • Age-related differences of cerebellar cortex and nuclei: MRI findings in healthy controls and its application to spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA6) patients. Jäschke D, Steiner KM, Chang DI, Claaßen J, Uslar E, Thieme A, Gerwig M, Pfaffenrot V, Hulst T, Gussew A, Maderwald S, Göricke SL, Minnerop M, Ladd ME, Reichenbach JR, Timmann D, Deistung A. Neuroimage 2023; 270: 119950, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119950
  • Elevated levels of mixed-hand preference in dyslexia: Meta-analyses of 68 studies. Packheiser J, Papadatou-Pastou M, Koufaki A, Paracchini S, Stein CC, Schmitz J, Ocklenburg S Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2023; 154: 105420, doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2023.105420
  • l-Arginine/nitric oxide pathway and oxidative stress in adults with ADHD: Effects of methylphenidate treatment. Sinningen K, Emons B, Böhme P, Juckel G, Hanusch B, Beckmann B, Tsikas D, Lücke T. Nitric Oxide 2023; 138-139: 64-69, doi:10.1016/j.niox.2023.06.006
  • Psychiatric emergency patients presenting to the emergency room by emergency physicians and emergency medical services-characteristics, care and admission status. Hulsmans N, Sinani G, Ullrich H, Pajonk FGB, Sieberer M, Juckel G, Kirchner H. Notfall Rettungsmed 2023; 26(2): 108-113, doi:10.1007/s10049-021-00917-6
  • Death Anxiety in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Becker S, Lee-Grimm SI, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying 2023. doi:10.1177/00302228231215521
  • Death Anxiety in the Context of Religion, Personality and Life Meanings. Mavrogiorgou P, Akinci B, Murer N, Efkemann S, Akinci E, Turmes L, Juckel G. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying 2023, doi:10.1177/00302228231199872
  • Eating disorder treatment in routine clinical care: A descriptive study examining treatment characteristics and short-term treatment outcomes among patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in Germany and Switzerland. Schopf K, Schneider S, Meyer AH, Lennertz J, Humbel N, Bürgy NM, Wyssen A, Biedert E, Isenschmid B, Milos G, Claussen M, Trier S, Whinyates K, Adolph D, Teismann T, Margraf J, Assion HJ, Überberg B, Juckel G, Müller J, Klauke B, Munsch S. PLoS ONE 2023; 18(6):e0280402, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0280402
  • Understanding suicidal ideation-a network analysis of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire. Conrad K, Forkmann T, Schreiber D, Teismann T, Glaesmer H, Spangenberg L, Schönfelder A, Hallensleben N, Paashaus L, Juckel G, Höller I. PLoS ONE 2023; 18(11): e0293026. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0293026
  • [Care trajectories of homeless or precariously housed mentally ill patients from two psychiatric-psychotherapeutic hospitals in North Rhine-Westphalia]. Zielasek J, Ueberberg B, Heinz J, Kreyenschulte T, Lehmann I, Haussleiter I, Juckel G, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E. Psychiatr Prax 2023. doi:10.1055/a-2193-8913
  • Mental Health Service Users' Perspectives on Psychiatric Advance Directives: A Systematic Review. Braun E, Gaillard AS, Vollmann J, Gather J, Scholten M. Psychiatr Serv 2023; 74(4): 381-392, doi:10.1176/
  • The Content of Psychiatric Advance Directives: A Systematic Review. Gaillard AS, Braun E, Vollmann J, Gather J, Scholten M. Psychiatr Serv 2023; 74(1): 44-55, doi:10.1176/
  • Context and Mood Effects in Interpreting Ambiguous Facial Expressions. Kramer M, Heinisch C, Baumgart P, Brüne M, Juckel G. Psychiatry 2023; 86(1): 67-69, doi:10.1080/00332747.2022.2105603
  • The relationship between police and psychiatry from a mental health professionals' perspective Results from an explorative, qualitative-empirical interview study. Efkemann SA, Gather J, Juckel G, Feltes T. Recht & Psychiatrie : R & P. 2023; 41(4): 206-213, doi:10.1486/rp-04-2023_02
  • Prevention of First-Episode Psychosis in People at Clinical High Risk: A Randomized Controlled, Multicentre Trial Comparing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Clinical Management Plus Low-Dose Aripiprazole or Placebo (PREVENT). Bechdolf A, Müller H, Hellmich M, de Millas W, Falkai P, Gaebel W, Gallinat J, Hasan A, Heinz A, Janssen B, Juckel G, Karow A, Krüger-Özgürdal S, Lambert M, Maier W, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Pützfeld V, Rausch F, Schneider F, Stützer H, Wobrock T, Wagner M, Zink M, Klosterkötter J. Schizophr Bull 2023; 49(4): 1055-1066, doi:10.1093/schbul/sbad029
  • Association of early life stress and cognitive performance in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. Senner F, Schneider-Axmann T, Kaurani L, Zimmermann J, Wiltfang J, von Hagen M, Vogl T, Spitzer C, Senner S, Schulte EC, Schmauß M, Schaupp SK, Reimer J, Reich-Erkelenz D, Papiol S, Kohshour MO, Lang FU, Konrad C, Kirchner SK, Kalman JL, Juckel G, Heilbronner M, Heilbronner U, Figge C, Eyl RE, Dietrich D, Budde M, Angelescu IG, Adorjan K, Schmitt A, Fischer A, Falkai P, Schulze TG. Schizophr Res Cogn 2023; 32: 100280, doi:10.1016/j.scog.2023.100280
  • Hypnotic suggestions cognitively penetrate tactile perception through top-down modulation of semantic contents. Markmann M, Lenz M, Höffken O, Steponavičiūtė A, Brüne M, Tegenthoff M, Dinse HR, Newen A. Sci Rep 2023; 13(1):6578, doi:10.1038/s41598-023-33108-z
  • CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing in LGMD2A/R1 Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem and Skeletal Muscle Progenitor Cells. Mavrommatis L, Zaben A, Kindler U, Kienitz MC, Dietz J, Jeong HW, Böhme P, Brand-Saberi B, Vorgerd M, Zaehres H. Stem Cells Int 2023; 2023: 9246825. doi:10.1155/2023/9246825
  • Medication adherence and cognitive performance in schizophrenia-spectrum and bipolar disorder: results from the PsyCourse Study. Senner F, Hiendl L, Bengesser S, Adorjan K, Anghelescu IG, Baune BT, Budde M, Dannlowski U, Dietrich DE, Falkai P, Fallgatter AJ, Hasan A, Heilbronner M, Jäger M, Juckel G, Kalman JL, Konrad C, Kohshour MO, Papiol S, Reich-Erkelenz D, Reimer J, Schaupp SK, Schmauß M, Senner S, Spitzer C, Vogl T, Zimmermann J, Heilbronner U, Schulte EC, Schulze TG, Reininghaus EZ, Kirchner SK, Dalkner N. Transl Psychiatry 2023; 13(1): 99, doi:10.1038/s41398-023-02373-x
  • Suicide Attempt Self-Injury Interview (SASII): Initial Validation of a German Version. Claus C, Schomberg J, Cwik JC, Glaesmer H, Forkmann T, Paashaus L, Rath D, Schoenfelder A, Juckel G, Teismann T. Verhaltenstherapie 2023; 33(2-3): 89-99, doi:10.1159/000531081
  • Narcissism and central serotonergic neurotransmission in depression. Mavrogiorgou P, Seltsam F, Kiefner D, Flasbeck V, Juckel G. World J Biol Psychiatry 2023; 24(3): 233-242, doi:10.1080/15622975.2022.2095026
  • Implementation of self-binding directives: recommendations based on expert consensus and input by stakeholders in three European countries. Scholten M, Efkemann SA, Faissner M, Finke M, Gather J, Gergel T, Gieselmann A, van der Ham L, Juckel G, van Melle L, Owen G, Potthoff S, Stephenson LA, Szmukler G, Vellinga A, Vollmann J, Voskes Y, Werning A, Widdershoven G. World Psychiatry 2023; 22(2): 332-333, doi:10.1002/wps.21095

Publikationen 2022

  • Influence of mental health professionals' attitudes and personality traits on decision-making around coercion: results from an experimental quantitative survey using case vignettes. Efkemann SA, Scholten M, Bottlender R, Juckel G, Gather. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2022; 146(2): 151-164, doi: 10.1111/acps.13429
  • An autonomy-based approach to justifying physician-assisted death: a recent judgment of the German federal constitutional court. Braun E, Gather J, Scholten M, Vollmann J. Am J Bioeth 2022; 22(2): 71-73, doi: 10.1080/15265161.2021.2013979
  • Decreased sympathetic cardiovascular influences and hormone-physiological changes in response to Covid-19-related adaptations under different learning environments. Gellisch M, Wolf OT, Minkley N, Kirchner WH, Brüne M, Brand-Saberi B. Anat Sci Educ 2022; 15(5): 811-826, doi: 10.1002/ase.2213
  • Factors predicting admission of psychiatric emergency contacts after presenting to the emergency department: results of a regression analysis. Kirchner H, Schaefer M, Ullrich H, Hulsmans N, Juckel G, Brzoska P, Pajonk FB. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2022; 21(1): 42, doi: 10.1186/s12991-022-00421-2
  • Telemedicine for outpatient treatment of depressive disorders. Juckel G, Neumann E, Jäger A, Welz M, Heinrich J, Pehnke K, Haussleiter IS, Emons B. Ann. Clin. Psychiatry 2022; 34(4): 15-22, doi: 10.12788/acp.0091
  • Gut microbiota differs in composition between adults with type 1 diabetes with or without depression and healthy control participants: a case-control study. Petrak F, Herpertz S, Hirsch J, Röhrig B, Donati-Hirsch I, Juckel G, Meier JJ, Gatermann S. BMC Microbiol 2022; 22(1): 169, doi: 10.1186/s12866-022-02575-1
  • "Voluntary in quotation marks": a conceptual model of psychological pressure in mental healthcare based on a grounded theory analysis of interviews with service users. Potthoff S, Gather J, Hempeler C, Gieselmann A, Scholten M. BMC Psychiatry 2022; 22(1):
  • Homelessness among psychiatric inpatients in North Rhine-Westphalia: a retrospective routine data analysis. Haussleiter IS, Lehmann I, Ueberberg B, Heinz J, Zielasek J, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Juckel G. BMC Psychiatry 2022; 22(1): 186, doi: 10.1186/s12888-022-03810-9
  • Investigation of the serotonergic activity and the serotonin content in serum and platelet, and the possible role of the serotonin transporter in patients with
  • depression. Obermanns J, Flasbeck V, Steinmann S, Juckel G, Emons. Behav Sci (Basel) 2022; 12(6): 178, doi: 10.3390/bs12060178
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  • Gender, age at onset, and duration of being ill as predictors for the long-term course and outcome of schizophrenia: an international multicenter study. Fountoulakis KN, Dragioti E, Theofilidis AT, Wiklund T, Atmatzidis X, Nimatoudis I, Thys E, Wampers M, Hranov L, Hristova T, Aptalidis D, Milev R, Iftene F, Spaniel F, Knytl P, Furstova P, From T, Karlsson H, Walta M, Salokangas RKR, Azorin JM, Bouniard J, Montant J, Juckel G, Haussleiter IS, Douzenis A, Michopoulos I, Ferentinos P, Smyrnis N, Mantonakis L, Nemes Z, Gonda X, Vajda D, Juhasz A, Shrivastava A, Waddington J, Pompili M, Comparelli A, Corigliano V, Rancans E, Navickas A, Hilbig J, Bukelskis L, Stevovic LI, Vodopic S, Esan O, Oladele O, Osunbote C, Rybakowski JK, Wojciak P, Domowicz K, Figueira ML, Linhares L, Crawford J, Panfil AL, Smirnova D, Izmailova O, Lecic-Tosevski D, Temmingh H, Howells F, Bobes J, Garcia-Portilla MP, García-Alvarez L, Erzin G, Karadağ H, De Sousa A, Bendre A, Hoschl C, Bredicean C, Papava I, Vukovic O, Pejuskovic B, Russell V, Athanasiadis L, Konsta A, Fountoulakis NK, Stein D, Berk M, Dean O, Tandon R, Kasper S, De Hert M. CNS Spectr 2022; 27(6): 716-723, doi: 10.1017/S1092852921000742
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  • Opportunities and risks of self-binding directives: A qualitative study involving stakeholders and researchers in Germany. Potthoff S, Finke M, Scholten M, Gieselmann A, Vollmann J, Gather J. Front Psychiatry 2022; 13(): doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.974132
  • Sleep disturbances in the context of neurohormonal dysregulation in patients with bipolar disorder. Roloff T, Haussleiter I, Meister K, Juckel G. Int J Bipolar Disord 2022; 10(1): doi: 10.1186/s40345-022-00254-8.
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  • Empathy in paedophilia and sexual offending against children: a longitudinal extension Schuler M, Mohnke S, Amelung T, Dziobek I, Borchardt V, Gerwinn H, Kargel C, Kneer J, Massau C, Pohl A, Weiss S, Pieper S, Sinke C, Beier KM, Walter M, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Kruger THC, Walter H. J. Sex. Aggress. 2022; 28(2): 178-195
  • Clinical manifestations and immunomodulatory treatment experiences in psychiatric patients with suspected autoimmune encephalitis: a case series of 91 patients from Germany. Endres D, Lüngen E, Hasan A, Kluge M, Fröhlich S, Lewerenz J, Bschor T, Haußleiter IS, Juckel G, Then Bergh F, Ettrich B, Kertzscher L, Oviedo-Salcedo T, Handreka R, Lauer M, Winter K, Zumdick N, Drews A, Obrocki J,
  • Yalachkov Y, Bubl A, von Podewils F, Schneider U, Szabo K, Mattern M, Philipsen A, Domschke K, Wandinger KP, Neyazi A, Stich O, Prüss H, Leypoldt F, Tebartz van Elst L. Mol Psychiatry 2022; 27(3): 1479-1489
  • Legal probation of former forensic inpatients after discharge due to proportionality reasons acc. to Sect. 67 d chapter 6 of the German Criminal Code. Querengaesser J, Hein N, Schiffer B. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform 2022; 105(4): 293-303
  • [DGPPN pilot study on the implementation of the S3 guideline "Prevention of coercion: prevention and therapy of aggressive behavior in adults"]. Bechdolf A, Bühling-Schindowski F, Weinmann S, Baumgardt J, Kampmann M, Sauter D, Jaeger S, Walter G, Mayer M, Löhr M, Schulz M, Gather J, Ketelsen R, Aßfalg R, Cole C, Vandamme A, Mahler L, Hirsch S, Steinert T. Nervenarzt 2022; 93(5): 450-458; doi: 10.1007/s00115-021-01242-6
  • [Disturbances of time experience in mental disorders]. Juckel G, Steinfath H, Mavrogiorgou P. Nervenarzt 2022; 93(1): 68-76; doi: 10.1007/s00115-020-01047-z
  • [Erratum to: The combined supported decision making model : A template for an ethically justifiable implementation of Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in psychiatry]. Scholten M, Gather J, Vollmann J. Nervenarzt 2022; 93(11): 1104-1104
  • [The combined supported decision making model : A template for an ethically justifiable implementation of Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in psychiatry]. Scholten M, Gather J, Vollmann J. Nervenarzt 2022; 93(11): 1093-1103; doi: 10.1007/s00115-022-01401-3
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  • Covid-19: Contributions from Psychopharmacology. Bauer M, Juckel G. Pharmacopsychiatry 2022; 55(1): 5-6; doi: 10.1055/a-1720-8855
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  • Correction to: Assessment of Psychosocial Functioning in a Large Cohort of Patients with Schizophrenia. Kossmann C, Heller J, Brüne M, Schulz C, Heinze M, Cordes J, Mühlbauer B, Rüther E, Timm J, Gründer G, Juckel G. Psychiatr Q 2022; 93(2): 701-702; doi: 10.1007/s11126-022-09977-4
  • Impairments of Social Interaction in Depressive Disorder. Akinci E, Wieser MO, Vanscheidt S, Diop S, Flasbeck V, Akinci B, Stiller C, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. Psychiatry Investig 2022; 19(3): 178-189; doi: 10.30773/pi.2021.0289
  • Capacities for meta-cognition, social cognition, and alexithymia in postpartum depression. Diop S, Turmes L, Specht C, Seehagen S, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. Psychiatry Res 2022; 309; doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114430
  • Computer-based mother-infant interaction analysis and mental functioning in postpartum depression. Mavrogiorgou P, Diop S, Turmes L, Specht C, Vanscheidt S, Seehagen S, Juckel G. Psychiatry Res 2022; 311; doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114506
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  • Proportionality discharges according to sec 67d (6) of Germany's criminal code as a risk factor for successful reintegration? Hein N, Querengaesser J, Schiffer B Recht & Psychiatrie : R & P. 2022; 40(3): 146-154;
  • When discharge from forensic psychiatric detention follows the principle of proportionality - an analysis of treatment trajectories. Hein N, Querengaesser J, Schiffer B.Recht & Psychiatrie: R & P. 2022; 40(2): 72-80
  • Changing the Antipsychotic in Early Nonimprovers to Amisulpride or Olanzapine: Randomized, Double-Blind Trial in Patients With Schizophrenia. Heres S, Cordes J, Feyerabend S, Schmidt-Kraepelin C, Musil R, Riedel M, Spellmann I, Langguth B, Landgrebe M, Fran E, Petcu C C, Hahn E, Ta TMT, Matei V, Dehelean L, Papava I, Leweke FM, van der List T, Tamasan SC, Lang FU, Naber D, Ruhrmann S, Wolff-Menzler C, Juckel G, Ladea M, Stefanescu C, Lautenschlager M, Bauer M, Zamora D, Horowitz M, Davis JM, Leucht S. Schizophr Bull 2022; 48(6): 1273-1283; doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbac068
  • A novel longitudinal clustering approach to psychopathology across diagnostic entities in the hospital-based PsyCourse study. Schulte EC, Kondofersky I, Budde M, Papiol S, Senner F, Schaupp SK, Reich-Erkelenz D, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Kalman JL, Gade K, Hake M, Comes AL, Anderson-Schmidt H, Adorjan K, Juckel G, Schmauß M, Zimmermann J, Reimer J, Wiltfang J, Reininghaus EZ, Anghelescu IG, Konrad C, Figge C, von Hagen M, Jäger M, Dietrich DE, Spitzer C, Witt SH, Forstner AJ, Rietschel M, Nöthen MM, Falkai P, Heilbronner U, Mueller NS, Schulze TG. Schizophr Res 2022; 244(): 29-38; doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2022.05.001
  • Bridging the phenomenological gap between predictive basic-symptoms and attenuated positive symptoms: a cross-sectional network analysis. Müller H, Betz LT, Kambeitz J, Falkai P, Gaebel W, Heinz A, Hellmich M, Juckel G, Lambert M, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Schneider F, Wagner M, Zink M, Klosterkötter J, Bechdolf A. Schizophrenia (Heidelb) 2022; 8(1): 68; doi: 10.1038/s41537-022-00274-4
  • Neural processing associated with cognitive empathy in pedophilia and child sexual offending. Schuler M, Mohnke S, Amelung T, Beier KM, Walter M, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Kruger THC, Walter H. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2022; 17(8): 712-722; doi: 10.1093/scan/nsab133
  • Comparison of Clomethiazole and Oxazepam in Alcohol Withdrawal.Holzbach R, Droste P, Magerkurth T, Juckel G. Sucht 2022; 68(6): 313-321;
  • Defeat, entrapment, and suicidal ideation: Twelve-month trajectories. Höller I, Rath D, Teismann T, Glaesmer H, Lucht L, Paashaus L, Schönfelder A, Juckel G, Forkmann T. Suicide Life Threat Behav 2022; 52(1): 69-82; doi: 10.1111/sltb.12777
  • Analyzing Turning Behavior after Repeated Lithium, Ketamine, or NaCl Injection and Chronic Stress Exposure in Mice. Mundorf A, Matsui H, Ocklenburg S, Freund N. Symmetry-Basel 2022; 14(11):
  • [Shared Decision-Making for Patients with Mental Disorders or Cognitive Impairments]. Hempeler C, Gather J, Haberstroh J, Trachsel M. Ther Umsch 2022; 79(8): 393-400; doi: 10.1024/0040-5930/a001380

Publikationen 2021

  • Combining supported decision-making with competence assessment: a way to protect persons with impaired decision-making capacity against undue influence. Scholten M, Braun E, Gather J, Vollmann J. Am J Bioeth 2021; 21(11): 45-47
  • The role of atypical sexual preference and behavior in neuroelectrophysiological research of human sexual behavior. Ristow I, Kärgel C. Arch Sex Behav 2021, doi: 10.1007/s10508-021-01927-8. Online ahead of print
  • Interplay between the genetics of personality traits, severe psychiatric disorders, and COVID-19 host genetics in the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection - ADDENDUM. Heilbronner U, Streit F, Vogl T, Senner F, Schaupp SK, Reich-Erkelenz D, Papiol S, Kohshour MO, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Kalman JL, Heilbronner M, Gade K, Comes AL, Budde M, Andlauer TFM, Anderson-Schmidt H, Adorjan K, Stürmer T, Loerbroks A, Amelang M, Poisel E, Foo J, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Forstner AJ, Degenhardt F, Zimmermann J, Wiltfang J, von Hagen M, Spitzer C, Schmauss M, Reininghaus E, Reimer J, Konrad C, Juckel G, Lang FU, Jäger M, Figge C, Fallgatter AJ, Dietrich DE, Dannlowski U, Baune BT, Arolt V, Anghelescu IG, Nöthen MM, Witt SH, Andreassen OA, Chen CH, Falkai P, Rietschel M, Schulze TG, Schulte EC. BJPsych Open 2021; 7(6):e206. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2021.1037
  • Interplay between the genetics of personality traits, severe psychiatric disorders and COVID-19 host genetics in the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Heilbronner U, Streit F, Vogl T, Senner F, Schaupp SK, Reich-Erkelenz D, Papiol S, Oraki Kohshour M, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Kalman JL, Heilbronner M, Gade K, Comes AL, Budde M, Andlauer TFM, Anderson-Schmidt H, Adorjan K, Stürmer T, Loerbroks A, Amelang M, Poisel E, Foo J, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Forstner AJ, Degenhardt F, Zimmermann J, Wiltfang J, von Hagen M, Spitzer C, Schmauss M, Reininghaus E, Reimer J, Konrad C, Juckel G, Lang FU, Jäger M, Figge C, Fallgatter AJ, Dietrich DE, Dannlowski U, Baune BT, Arolt V, Anghelescu IG, Nöthen MM, Witt SH, Andreassen OA, Chen CH, Falkai P, Rietschel M, Schulze TG, Schulte EC. BJPsych Open 2021; 7(6):e188. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2021.1030
  • Maternal immune activation leads to atypical turning asymmetry and reduced DRD2 mRNA expression in a rat model of schizophrenia. Mundorf A, Kubitza N, Hünten K, Matsui H, Juckel G, Ocklenburg S, Freund N. Behav Brain Res 2021; 414:113504. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113504
  • Testing the four main predictions of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior in an inpatient sample admitted due to severe suicidality. Forkmann T, Glaesmer H, Paashaus L, Rath D, Schönfelder A, Juckel G, Gauggel S, Beginn-Göbel U, Teismann T. Behav Ther 2021; 52(3):626-638
  • Cardiac parasympathetic activity in female patients with borderline personality disorder predicts approach/avoidance behavior towards angry faces. Maiß C, Engemann L, Kern K, Flasbeck V, Mügge A, Lücke T, Brüne M. Biol Psychol 2021; 163:108146. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2021.108146
  • Child abuse and suicidality in the context of the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide: a network analysis. Schönfelder A, Rath D, Forkmann T, Paashaus L, Lucht L, Teismann T, Stengler K, Juckel G, Glaesmer H. Br J Clin Psychol 2021; 60(4):425-442
  • Altered third-party punishment in Huntington's disease: a study using neuroeconomic games. Brüne M, von Hein SM, Claassen C, Hoffmann R, Saft C. Brain Behav 2021; 11(1):e01908. doi: 10.1002/brb3.1908
  • The impact of TMS-enhanced cognitive control on forgiveness processes. Maier MJ, Rosenbaum D, Brüne M, Fallgatter AJ, Ehlis AC. Brain Behav 2021; 11(5):e02131. doi: 10.1002/brb3.2131
  • Death anxiety and attitudes towards death in patients with multiple sclerosis: an exploratory study. Francalancia J, Mavrogiorgou P, Juckel G, Mitrovic T, Kuhle J, Naegelin Y, Kappos L, Calabrese P. Brain Sci 2021; 11(8):964. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11080964
  • Gender, age at onset, and duration of being ill as predictors for the long-term course and outcome of schizophrenia: an international multicenter study. Fountoulakis KN, Dragioti E, Theofilidis AT, Wiklund T, Atmatzidis X, Nimatoudis I, Thys E, Wampers M, Hranov L, Hristova T, Aptalidis D, Milev R, Iftene F, Spaniel F, Knytl P, Furstova P, From T, Karlsson H, Walta M, Salokangas RKR, Azorin JM, Bouniard J, Montant J, Juckel G, Haussleiter IS, Douzenis A, Michopoulos I, Ferentinos P, Smyrnis N, Mantonakis L, Nemes Z, Gonda X, Vajda D, Juhasz A, Shrivastava A, Waddington J, Pompili M, Comparelli A, Corigliano V, Rancans E, Navickas A, Hilbig J, Bukelskis L, Stevovic LI, Vodopic S, Esan O, Oladele O, Osunbote C, Rybakowski JK, Wojciak P, Domowicz K, Figueira ML, Linhares L, Crawford J, Panfil AL, Smirnova D, Izmailova O, Lecic-Tosevski D, Temmingh H, Howells F, Bobes J, Garcia-Portilla MP, García-Alvarez L, Erzin G, Karadağ H, De Sousa A, Bendre A, Hoschl C, Bredicean C, Papava I, Vukovic O, Pejuskovic B, Russell V, Athanasiadis L, Konsta A, Fountoulakis NK, Stein D, Berk M, Dean O, Tandon R, Kasper S, De Hert M. CNS Spectr 2021; 1-8. doi: 10.1017/S1092852921000742. Online ahead of print
  • Modeling psychological function in patients with schizophrenia with the PANSS: an international multi-center study. Fountoulakis KN, Dragioti E, Theofilidis AT, Wiklund T, Atmatzidis X, Nimatoudis I, Thys E, Wampers M, Hranov L, Hristova T, Aptalidis D, Milev R, Iftene F, Spaniel F, Knytl P, Furstova P, From T, Karlsson H, Walta M, Salokangas RKR, Azorin JM, Bouniard J, Montant J, Juckel G, Haussleiter IS, Douzenis A, Michopoulos I, Ferentinos P, Smyrnis N, Mantonakis L, Nemes Z, Gonda X, Vajda D, Juhasz A, Shrivastava A, Waddington J, Pompili M, Comparelli A, Corigliano V, Rancans E, Navickas A, Hilbig J, Bukelskis L, Stevovic LI, Vodopic S, Esan O, Oladele O, Osunbote C, Rybakowski JK, Wojciak P, Domowicz K, Figueira ML, Linhares L, Crawford J, Panfil AL, Smirnova D, Izmailova O, Lecic-Tosevski D, Temmingh H, Howells F, Bobes J, Garcia-Portilla MP, García-Alvarez L, Erzin G, Karadağ H, De Sousa A, Bendre A, Hoschl C, Bredicean C, Papava I, Vukovic O, Pejuskovic B, Russell V, Athanasiadis L, Konsta A, Stein D, Berk M, Dean O, Tandon R, Kasper S, De Hert M. CNS Spectr 2021; 26(3):290-298
  • Loudness dependence of auditory-evoked potentials, a marker of central serotonergic activity, is affected by fasting and selective uptake of food. Bamberg C, Flasbeck V, Juckel G, Brüne M. Clin EEG Neurosci 2021; 52(6):391-399
  • From decision to action: suicidal history and time between decision to die and actual suicide attempt. Paashaus L, Forkmann T, Glaesmer H, Juckel G, Rath D, Schönfelder A, Teismann T. Clin Psychol Psychother 2021; 28(6):1427-1434
  • Is the relationship between child abuse and suicide attempts mediated by nonsuicidal self-injury and pain tolerance? Schönfelder A, Rath D, Forkmann T, Paashaus L, Stengler K, Teismann T, Juckel G, Glaesmer H. Clin Psychol Psychother 2021; 28(1):189-199
  • Psychometric properties of the German version of the fears of compassion scales. Biermann M, Bohus M, Gilbert P, Vonderlin R, Cornelisse S, Osen B, Graser J, Brüne M, Ebert A, Lyssenko L, Kleindienst N. Clin Psychol Psychother 2021; 28(1):137-149
  • Evolvement of peer support workers' roles in psychiatric hospitals: a longitudinal qualitative observation study. Nossek A, Werning A, Otte I, Vollmann J, Juckel G, Gather J. Community Ment Health J 2021; 57(3): 589-597
  • Differences in interactional behaviour in postpartum depression with and without pre-existing mental disorder. Weingarten S, Diop S, Specht C, Turmes L, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. Compr Psychiatry 2021; 108:152248. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2021.152248
  • Scale for suicidal experience and behavior (SSEV): factor structure and psychometric properties. Teismann T, Forkmann T, Glaesmer H, Juckel G, Cwik JC. DIAGNOSTICA 2021; 67(3):115-125
  • 1st network meeting on ethics counselling in psychiatry: online-conference, January 20, 2021. Braun E, Faissner M. Ethik Med 2021; 33(1):129-134
  • Should the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities be implemented in psychiatric practice? A current debate in the UK. Braun E, Gather J, Scholten M. Ethik Med 2021
  • Analysis of cytokine levels, T regulatory cells and serotonin content in patients with depression. Obermanns J, Krawczyk E, Juckel G, Emons B. Eur J Neurosci 2021; 53(10):3476-3489
  • Poly I:C-induced maternal immune challenge reduces perineuronal net area and raises spontaneous network activity of hippocampal neurons in vitro. Wegrzyn D, Manitz MP, Kostka M, Freund N, Juckel G, Faissner A. Eur J Neurosci 2021; 53(12):3920-3941
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  • Patients discharged from forensic psychiatry according to section 63 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) due to disproportionality reasons-differential group characteristics. Hein N, Querengasser J, Schiffer B. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 2021; 15(4):376-385
  • [Analysis of the psychiatric emergency inpatients in an ER setting at a general hospital]. Kirchner H, Sinani G, Ullrich H, Pajonk FGB, Juckel G. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 2021; 89(9):409-414
  • [Traumatization and schizophrenic disorders - a multidimensional view]. Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 2021. doi: 10.1055/a-1535-1655. Online ahead of print
  • Short-term fasting and ingestion of caloric drinks affect heartbeat-evoked potentials and autonomic nervous system activity in males. Flasbeck V, Bamberg C, Brüne M. Front Neurosci 2021; 15:622428. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.622428
  • A German version of the staff attitude to coercion scale. Development and empirical validation. Efkemann SA, Scholten M, Bottlender R, Juckel G, Gather J. Front Psychiatry 2021; 11:573240. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.57324
  • Commentary: descriptions of disordered eating in German Psychiatric Textbooks, 1803 - 2017. Brüne M. Front Psychiatry 2021; 12:669387. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.669387
  • Supported decision-making in persons with dementia: development of an enhanced consent procedure for lumbar puncture. Wied TS, Haberstroh J, Gather J, Karakaya T, Oswald F, Qubad M, Scholten M, Vollmann J, Pantel J, ENSURE Consortium, Front Psychiatry 2021; 12:780276. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.780276
  • Types of ethical problems and expertise in clinical ethics consultation in psychiatry - insights from a qualitative empirical ethics study. Haltaufderheide J, Gather J, Juckel G, Schildmann J, Vollmann J. Front Psychiatry 2021; 12:558795. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.558795
  • Borderline personality disorder in a "Life History Theory" perspective: evidence for a fast "Pace-of-Life-Syndrome". Otto B,  Kokkelink  L, Brüne M. Front Psychol 2021; 12:715153. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.715153
  • Poly I:C activated microglia disrupt perineuronal nets and modulate synaptic balance in primary hippocampal neurons in vitro. Wegrzyn D, Freund N, Faissner A, Juckel G. Front Synaptic Neurosci 2021; 13:637549. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2021.637549
  • [Psychiatric comorbidities in hidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversa]. Mavrogiorgou P, Juckel G, Reimelt A, Hessam S, Scholl L, Frajkur JL, Stockfleth E, Bechara FG. Hautarzt 2021; 72(5): 426-434
  • The somatic care situation of people with mental illness. Haussleiter I, Emons B, Hoffmann K, Juckel G. Health Sci Rep 2021; 4(1):e226. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.226
  • Prefrontal dopamine D1 receptor manipulation influences anxiety behavior and induces neuroinflammation within the hippocampus. Beyer DKE, Mattukat A, Freund N. Int J Bipolar Disord 2021; 9(1):9. doi: 10.1186/s40345-020-00212-2
  • The German research consortium for the study of bipolar disorder (BipoLife): a magnetic resonance imaging study protocol. Vogelbacher C, Sommer J, Schuster V, Bopp MHA, Falkenberg I, Ritter PS, Bermpohl F, Hindi Attar C, Rauer L, Einenkel KE, Treutlein J, Gruber O, Juckel G, Flasbeck V, Mulert C, Hautzinger M, Pfennig A, Matura S, Reif A, Grotegerd D, Dannlowski U, Kircher T, Bauer M, Jansen A. Int J Bipolar Disord 2021; 9(1):37. doi: 10.1186/s40345-021-00240-6
  • Consequences of exposure to the thin ideal in mass media depend on moderators in young women: An experimental study. Munsch S, Messerli-Bürgy N, Meyer AH, Humbel N, Schopf K, Wyssen A, Forrer F, Biedert E, Lennertz J, Trier S, Isenschmid B, Milos G, Claussen M, Whinyates K, Adolph D, Margraf J, Assion HJ, Teismann T, Ueberberg B, Juckel G, Müller J, Klauke B, Schneider S. J Abnorm Psychol 2021; 130(5):498-511
  • MORC1 methylation and BDI are associated with microstructural features of the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. Mundorf A, Schmitz J, Hünten K, Fraenz C, Schlüter C, Genç E, Ocklenburg S, Freund N. J Affect Disord 2021; 282:91-97
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for the prevention of post-stroke depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Richter D, Charles James J, Ebert A, Katsanos AH, Mazul-Wach L, Ruland Q, Gold R, Juckel G, Krogias C
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  • Predicting suicidal ideation in a longitudinal high-risk sample: multilevel analyses and 12-month trajectories. Rath D, Teismann T, Hoeller I, Glaesmer H, Paashaus L, Schönfelder A, Juckel G, Forkmann T. J Clin Psychol 2021; 77(10):2353-2369
  • Equality in the informed consent process: competence to consent, substitute decision-making, and discrimination of persons with mental disorders. Scholten M, Gather J, Vollmann J. J Med Philos 2021; 46(1):108-136
  • Serotonin system-associated genetic and epigenetic changes in pedophilia and child sexual offending. Jahn K, Kurz B, Sinke C, Kneer J, Riemer O, Ponseti J, Walter M, Beier KM, Walter H, Frieling H, Schiffer B, Kruger THC. J Psychiatr Res 2021; 145:60-69
  • Evidence for altered neural processing in patients with borderline personality disorder a review of event-related potential studies. Flasbeck V, Juckel G, Bruene M. J Psychophysiol 2021; 35(3):163-185
  • Empathy in pedophilia and sexual offending against children: a multifaceted approach. Schuler M, Mohnke S, Amelung T, Dziobek I, Borchardt V, Gerwinn H, Kärgel C, Kneer J, Massau C, Pohl A, Weiss S, Pieper S, Sinke C, Beier KM, Walter M, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Kruger THC, Walter H. J. Sex. Aggress. 2021,128(5):453-464. doi: 10.1037/abn0000412
  • Laterality for the next decade: costs and benefits of neuronal asymmetries - putting lateralization in an evolutionary context. Manns M. Laterality 2021; 26(3):315-318
  • The two-cell model of glucose metabolism: a hypothesis of schizophrenia. Roosterman D, Cottrell GS. Mol Psychiatry 2021; 26(6):1738-1747
  • [Virtual reality in teaching of psychiatry and psychotherapy at medical school]. Mavrogiorgou P, Böhme P, Hooge V, Pfeiffer T, Juckel G. Nervenarzt 2021; 93(7):728-734. doi: 10.1007/s00115-021-01227-5
  • Paw preferences in mice and rats: meta-analysis. Manns M, Basbasse YE, Freund N, Ocklenburg S. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2021; 127():593-606
  • Psychiatric emergency patients presenting to the emergency room by emergency physicians and emergency medical services-characteristics, care and admission status. Hulsmans N, Sinani G, Ullrich H, Pajonk FGB, Sieberer M, Juckel G, Kirchner H. Notfall Rettungsmed 2021
  • Association between childhood maltreatment, psychopathology and DNA methylation of genes involved in stress regulation: Evidence from a study in Borderline Personality Disorder. Flasbeck V, Brüne M. PLoS ONE 2021; 16(3):e0248514. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248514
  • Personality, life meanings and fear of death in affective disorders (vol 65, pg 304, 2020). Mavrogiorgou P, Chmielewski F, Hanning S, Juckel G. Psychotherapeut 2021
  • Are persons treated with antidepressants and/or antipsychotics possibly better protected against severe COVID 19? Bonnet U, Juckel G, Scherbaum N, Schaefer M, Kis B, Cohen S, Kuhn J. Pharmacopsychiatry 2021; 54(3):142-143
  • Impact of Poly I:C induced maternal immune activation on offspring's gut microbiome diversity - Implications for schizophrenia. Juckel G, Manitz MP, Freund N, Gatermann S. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2021; 110:110306. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2021.110306
  • [Characterization of ambulant emergency contacts in an emergency room at a general hospital]. Kirchner H, Sinani G, Ullrich H, Pajonk FB, Juckel G. Psychiatr Prax 2021; 48(1):25-30
  • [Implementation of continuity of care in everyday care - a comparison between two psychiatric hospitals]. Assheuer M, Beine K, Mehl C, Kellner M, Agelink M, Sieberer M, de Cruppé W, Geraedts M. Psychiatr Prax 2021; 48(3):143-148
  • Assessment of psychosocial functioning in a large cohort of patients with dchizophrenia. Kossmann C, Heller J, Brüne M, Schulz C, Heinze M, Cordes J, Mühlbauer B, Rüther E, Timm J, Gründer G, Juckel G. Psychiatr Q 2021; 92(1):177-191
  • Predicting suicidal behavior by implicit associations with death? Examination of the death IAT in two inpatient samples of differing suicide risk. Rath D, Teismann T, Schmitz F, Glaesmer H, Hallensleben N, Paashaus L, Spangenberg L, Schönfelder A, Juckel G, Forkmann T. Psychol Assess 2021; 33(4):287-299
  • Psychometric properties of the German version of the Forms of Self-Criticizing/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale (FSCRS). Biermann M, Bohus M, Gilbert P, Vonderlin R, Cornelisse S, Osen B, Graser J, Brüne M, Ebert A, Kleindienst N, Lyssenko L. Psychol Assess 2021; 33(1):97-110
  • Pareidolias and creativity in patients with mental disorders. Mavrogiorgou P, Peitzmeier N, Enzi B, Flasbeck V, Juckel G
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  • Reduced jumping to conclusion bias after experimentally induced enhancement of subjective body boundaries in psychosis. Lyons N, Dietrich DE, Graser J, Juckel G, Koßmann C, Krauß H, Müller B, Michalak J. Psychopathology 2021; 54(2):92-97
  • Externalizing behavior in healthy young adults is associated with lower cortisol responses to acute stress and altered neural activation in the dorsal striatum. Konzok J, Henze GI, Peter H, Giglberger M, Bärtl C, Massau C, Kärgel C, Schiffer B, Eisenbarth H, Wüst S, Kudielka BM. Psychophysiology 2021; 58(12):e13936. doi: 10.1111/psyp.13936
  • A new electronically based clinical pathway for schizophrenia inpatients: a longitudinal pilot study. Norra C, Ueberberg B, Juckel G. Schizophr Res 2021; 238():82-90
  • Pigeons show how meta-control enables decision-making in an ambiguous world. Manns M, Otto T, Salm L. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):3838. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-83406-7
  • Neural processing associated with cognitive empathy in pedophilia and child sexual offending. Schuler M, Mohnke S, Amelung T, Beier KM, Walter M, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Kruger THC, Walter H. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2021; nsab133. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsab133
  • Ecology of cooperation: the influence of fasting and satiety on interpersonal trust. Bamberg CCL, Flasbeck V, Diop S, Brüne M. Soc Neurosci 2021; 16(2):134-144
  • It is not just in the genes. Manns M. Symmetry-Basel 2021; 13(10)
  • Risky decision-making following prefrontal D1 receptor manipulation. Beyer DKE, Horn L, Klinker N, Freund N. Transl Neurosci 2021; 12(1):432-443
  • A genome-wide association study of the longitudinal course of executive functions. Wendel B, Papiol S, Andlauer TFM, Zimmermann J, Wiltfang J, Spitzer C, Senner F, Schulte EC, Schmauß M, Schaupp SK, Repple J, Reininghaus E, Reimer J, Reich-Erkelenz D, Opel N, Nenadić I, Meinert S, Konrad C, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Kircher T, Kalman JL, Juckel G, Jansen A, Jäger M, Heilbronner M, von Hagen M, Gade K, Figge C, Fallgatter AJ, Dietrich DE, Dannlowski U, Comes AL, Budde M, Baune BT, Arolt V, Anghelescu IG, Anderson-Schmidt H, Adorjan K, Falkai P, Schulze TG, Bickeböller H, Heilbronner U. Transl Psychiatry 2021; 11(1):386. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01510-8
  • Individuals at increased risk for development of bipolar disorder display structural alterations similar to people with manifest disease. Mikolas P, Bröckel K, Vogelbacher C, Müller DK, Marxen M, Berndt C, Sauer C, Jung S, Fröhner JH, Fallgatter AJ, Ethofer T, Rau A, Kircher T, Falkenberg I, Lambert M, Kraft V, Leopold K, Bechdolf A, Reif A, Matura S, Stamm T, Bermpohl F, Fiebig J, Juckel G, Flasbeck V, Correll CU, Ritter P, Bauer M, Jansen A, Pfennig A. Transl Psychiatry 2021; 11(1):485. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01598-y
  • Polygenic risk scores across the extended psychosis spectrum. Smigielski L, Papiol S, Theodoridou A, Heekeren K, Gerstenberg M, Wotruba D, Buechler R, Hoffmann P, Herms S, Adorjan K, Anderson-Schmidt H, Budde M, Comes AL, Gade K, Heilbronner M, Heilbronner U, Kalman JL, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Reich-Erkelenz D, Schaupp SK, Schulte EC, Senner F, Anghelescu IG, Arolt V, Baune BT, Dannlowski U, Dietrich DE, Fallgatter AJ, Figge C, Jäger M, Juckel G, Konrad C, Nieratschker V, Reimer J, Reininghaus E, Schmauß M, Spitzer C, von Hagen M, Wiltfang J, Zimmermann J, Gryaznova A, Flatau-Nagel L, Reitt M, Meyers M, Emons B, Haußleiter IS, Lang FU, Becker T, Wigand ME, Witt SH, Degenhardt F, Forstner AJ, Rietschel M, Nöthen MM, Andlauer TFM, Rössler W, Walitza S, Falkai P, Schulze TG, Grünblatt E. Transl Psychiatry 2021; 11(1):600. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01720-0
  • Epistemological reflections on chances and borders of "biological psychiatry". Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. World J Biol Psychiatry 2021; 22(8):629-636
  • MEG reveals preference specific increases of sexual-image-evoked responses in paedophilic sexual offenders and healthy controls Krylova M, Ristow I, Marr V, Borchardt V, Li M, Witzel J, Drumkova K, Harris JA, Zacharias N, Schiltz K, Amelung T, Beier KM, Kruger THC, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Walter H, Kärgel C, Walter M. World J Biol Psychiatry 2021; 22(4):257-270. doi: 10.1080/15622975.2020.1789216
  • MEG reveals preference specific increases of sexual-image-evoked responses in paedophilic sexual offenders and healthy controls. Krylova M, Ristow I, Marr V, Borchardt V, Li M, Witzel J, Drumkova K, Harris JA, Zacharias N, Schiltz K, Amelung T, Beier KM, Kruger THC, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Walter H, Kärgel C, Walter M. World J Biol Psychiatry 2021; 22(4):257-270
  • [Striving for power and aggression - underestimated aspects in the psychotherapy of hysteria]. Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. Z Psychosom Med Psychother 2021; 67(1):21-35

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  • Asymmetry of turning behavior in rats is modulated by early life stress. Mundorf A, Matsui H, Ocklenburg S, Freund N. Behav Brain Res 2020;393: 112807
  • Selective recall deficits for heterogeneous associations in detoxified individuals with alcohol use disorder. Antonucci LA, Nettis MA, Juckel G, Roser P, Pergola G, Thoma P. Behav Brain Res 2020;390: 112688
  • Efficacy of cognitive-behavioral group therapy in patients at risk for serious mental illness presenting with subthreshold bipolar symptoms: results from a prespecified interim analysis of a multicenter, randomized, controlled study. Leopold K, Bauer M, Bechdolf A, Correll CU, Holtmann M, Juckel G, Lambert M, Meyer TD, Pfeiffer S, Kittel-Schneider S, Reif A, Stamm TJ, Rottmann-Wolf M, Mathiebe J, Kellmann EL, Ritter P, Krüger-Özgürdal S, Karow A, Sondergeld LM, Roessner V, Sauer C, Pfennig A. Bipolar Disord 2020;22(5): 517-529
  • Altered interoception in patients with borderline personality disorder: a study using heartbeat-evoked potentials. Flasbeck V, Popkirov S, Ebert A, Brüne M. Borderline Personal Disord Emot Dysregul 2020;7(1): 24
  • Exploring nonverbal synchrony in borderline personality disorder: a double-blind placebo-controlled study using oxytocin. Ramseyer F, Ebert A, Roser P, Edel MA, Tschacher W, Brüne M. Br J Clin Psychol 2020;59(2): 186-207
  • Pain persistence and lethality of suicide attempts. Paashaus L, Forkmann T, Glaesmer H, Juckel G, Rath D, Schönfelder A, Teismann T. Clin Psychol Psychother 2020;27(4): 542-547
  • Short defeat and entrapment scale: a psychometric investigation in three German samples. Höller I, Teismann T, Cwik JC, Glaesmer H, Spangenberg L, Hallensleben N, Paashaus L, Rath D, Schönfelder A, Juckel G, Forkmann T. Compr Psychiatry 2020;98: 152160
  • Lateralization of increased density of Iba1-immunopositive microglial cells in the anterior midcingulate cortex of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Petrasch-Parwez E, Schöbel A, Benali A, Moinfar Z, Förster E, Brüne M, Juckel G. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2020;270(7): 819-828
  • Light-dependent development of the tectorotundal projection in pigeons. Letzner S, Manns M, Güntürkün O. Eur J Neurosci 2020;52(6): 3561-3571
  • Induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in activated microglia and astrocytes following pre- and postnatal immune challenge in an animal model of schizophrenia. Esshili A, Manitz MP, Freund N, Juckel G. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2020;35: 100-110
  • Evolutionary perspectives on human behavior during the coronavirus pandemic: insights from game theory. Brüne M, Wilson DR. Evol Med Public Health 2020;2020 (1): 181-186
  • [Biobanking in psychiatry]. Luckhaus C, Roosterman D, Juckel G. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 2020;88(11): 722-729
  • [Huntington's disease with childhood and adolescent onset: course of disease, clinical presentation and diagnostic challenges]. Thiels C, Stahl A, Saft C, Juckel G, Lücke T. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 2020;88(10): 661-667
  • [The CIMH track concept in psychiatry: syndrome-specific treatment across modalities - Part 1 - theoretical background]. Leweke FM, Hirjak D, Staudter C, Borgwedel D, Coenen-Daniel M, Heser M, Erk K, Juckel G, Beivers A, Meyer-Lindenberg A. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 2020;88(1): 12-23
  • Approach and avoidance behavior in female patients with borderline personality disorder. Wiesenfeller J, Flasbeck V, Brown EC, Brüne M. Front Behav Neurosci 2020;14: 588874
  • A German version of the staff attitude to coercion scale. Development and empirical validation. Efkemann SA, Scholten M, Bottlender R, Juckel G, Gather J. Front Psychiatry 2020;11: 573240
  • Ranking the harm of psychoactive drugs including prescription analgesics to users and others - a perspective of German addiction medicine experts. Bonnet U, Specka M, Soyka M, Alberti T, Bender S, Grigoleit T, Hermle L, Hilger J, Hillemacher T, Kuhlmann T, Kuhn J, Luckhaus C, Lüdecke C, Reimer J, Schneider U, Schroeder W, Stuppe M, Wiesbeck GA, Wodarz N, McAnally H, Scherbaum N. Front Psychiatry 2020;11: 592199
  • Recognition of social rule violation in "deficit syndrome". Schizophrenia: a study using economic games. Claassen C, Langdon R, Brüne M. Front Psychiatry 2020;11: 835
  • Age-related diseases and driving safety. Falkenstein M, Karthaus M, Brüne-Cohrs U. Geriatrics (Basel) 2020;5(4): 80
  • [Hearing and cognition: neurocognitive test batteries in otorhinolaryngology]. Völter C, Götze L, Bruene-Cohrs U, Dazert S, Thomas JP. HNO 2020;68(3): 155-163
  • The social-psychiatric service and its role in compulsory hospitalization. Ueberberg B, Efkemann SA, Hoffmann K, Haußleiter IS, Juckel G. Health Soc Care Community 2020;28(2): 467-474
  • Improving early recognition and intervention in people at increased risk for the development of bipolar disorder: study protocol of a prospective-longitudinal, naturalistic cohort study (Early-BipoLife). Pfennig A, Leopold K, Martini J, Boehme A, Lambert M, Stamm T, Bermpohl F, Reif A, Kittel-Schneider S, Juckel G, Fallgatter AJ, Kircher T, Jansen A, Pfeiffer S, Berndt C, Rottmann-Wolf M, Sauer C, Ritter P, Correll CU, Bechdolf A, Falkenberg I, Bauer M. Int J Bipolar Disord 2020;8(1): 22
  • Role of child maltreatment and gender for bipolar symptoms in young adults. Haussleiter IS, Neumann E, Lorek S, Ueberberg B, Juckel G. Int J Bipolar Disord 2020; 8(1): 10. doi: 10.1186/s40345-019-0173-9
  • The role of environmental stress and DNA methylation in the longitudinal course of bipolar disorder. Comes AL, Czamara D, Adorjan K, Anderson-Schmidt H, Andlauer TFM, Budde M, Gade K, Hake M, Kalman JL, Papiol S, Reich-Erkelenz D, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Schaupp SK, Schulte EC, Senner F, Juckel G, Schmauß M, Zimmermann J, Reimer J, Reininghaus E, Anghelescu IG, Konrad C, Thiel A, Figge C, von Hagen M, Koller M, Dietrich DE, Stierl S, Scherk H, Witt SH, Sivalingam S, Degenhardt F, Forstner AJ, Rietschel M, Nöthen MM, Wiltfang J, Falkai P, Schulze TG, Heilbronner U. Int J Bipolar Disord 2020;8(1): 9. doi: 10.1186/s40345-019-0176-6
  • Socio-economic impact on involuntary admissions and coercive measures in psychiatric hospitals in Germany. Efkemann SA, Ueberberg B, Haußleiter IS, Hoffmann K, Juckel G. Int J Law Psychiatry 2020;71: 101597
  • Under which conditions are changes in the treatment of people under involuntary commitment justified during the COVID-19 pandemic? An ethical evaluation of current developments in Germany. Gather J, Juckel G, Henking T, Efkemann SA, Vollmann J, Scholten M. Int J Law Psychiatry 2020;73: 101615
  • Challenges faced by peer support workers during the integration into hospital-based mental health-care teams: results from a qualitative interview study. Otte I, Werning A, Nossek A, Vollmann J, Juckel G, Gather J. Int J Soc Psychiatry 2020;66(3): 263-269
  • Validation of the motivational phase of the integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behavior in a German high-risk sample. Lucht L, Höller I, Forkmann T, Teismann T, Schönfelder A, Rath D, Paashaus L, Stengler K, Juckel G, Glaesmer H. J Affect Disord 2020;274: 871-879
  • Configural processing of emotional bodies and faces in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Thoma P, Soria Bauser D, Edel MA, Juckel G, Suchan B. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2020;42(10): 1028-1048
  • Enhanced Nitric Oxide (NO) and decreased ADMA synthesis in pediatric ADHD and selective potentiation of NO Synthesis by methylphenidate. Jansen K, Hanusch B, Pross S, Hanff E, Drabert K, Bollenbach A, Dugave I, Carmann C, Siefen RG, Emons B, Juckel G, Legenbauer T, Tsikas D, Lücke T. J Clin Med 2020;9(1): 175
  • Validation of a monetary Taylor Aggression Paradigm: associations with trait aggression and role of provocation sequence. Konzok J, Kreuzpointner L, Henze GI, Wagels L, Kaergel C, Weidacker K, Schiffer B, Eisenbarth H, Wuest S, Kudielka BM. J Exp Soc Psychol 2020;88: 103960
  • Beneficial effects of peer support in psychiatric hospitals. A critical reflection on the results of a qualitative interview and focus group study. Otte I, Werning A, Nossek A, Vollmann J, Juckel G, Gather J. J Ment Health 2020;29(3): 289-295
  • Adjuvant guided exercise therapy versus self-organized activity in patients with major depression. Haussleiter IS, Bolsinger B, Assion HJ, Juckel G. J Nerv Ment Dis 2020;208(12): 982-988
  • Quality of parental care and traumatic experiences in childhood related to schizophrenic disorders. Neumann E, Juckel G, Haussleiter IS. J Nerv Ment Dis 2020;208(10): 818-821
  • An exploratory study on the central nervous correlates of sexual excitation and sexual inhibition. Unterhorst K, Gerwinn H, Pohl A, Kärgel C, Massau C, Ristow I, Kneer J, Amelung T, Walter H, Beier K, Walter M, Schiffer B, Kruger THC, Stirn A, Ponseti J. J Sex Res 2020;57(3): 397-408
  • An investigation of psychosis subgroups with prognostic validation and exploration of genetic underpinnings: the PsyCourse Study. Dwyer DB, Kalman JL, Budde M, Kambeitz J, Ruef A, Antonucci LA, Kambeitz-Ilankovic L, Hasan A, Kondofersky I, Anderson-Schmidt H, Gade K, Reich-Erkelenz D, Adorjan K, Senner F, Schaupp S, Andlauer TFM, Comes AL, Schulte EC, Klöhn-Saghatolislam F, Gryaznova A, Hake M, Bartholdi K, Flatau-Nagel L, Reitt M, Quast S, Stegmaier S, Meyers M, Emons B, Haußleiter IS, Juckel G, Nieratschker V, Dannlowski U, Yoshida T, Schmauß M, Zimmermann J, Reimer J, Wiltfang J, Reininghaus E, Anghelescu IG, Arolt V, Baune BT, Konrad C, Thiel A, Fallgatter AJ, Figge C, von Hagen M, Koller M, Lang FU, Wigand ME, Becker T, Jäger M, Dietrich DE, Scherk H, Spitzer C, Folkerts H, Witt SH, Degenhardt F, Forstner AJ, Rietschel M, Nöthen MM, Mueller N, Papiol S, Heilbronner U, Falkai P, Schulze TG, Koutsouleris N. JAMA Psychiatry 2020;77(5): 523-533
  • Commentary on: "Host-parasite interaction associated with major mental illness". Why we need integrative explanations based on evolutionary theory. Brüne M, Theiss C. Mol Psychiatry 2020;25(1): 2-3
  • [Postpartum depression and migration]. Diop S, Turmes L, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. Nervenarzt 2020;91(9): 822-831
  • [Psychotherapy in psychiatry via digital media?]. Juckel G, Hegerl U. Nervenarzt 2020;91(3): 257-258
  • Mapping adaptation, deviance detection, and prediction error in auditory processing. Hofmann-Shen C, Vogel BO, Kaffes M, Rudolph A, Brown EC, Tas C, Brüne M, Neuhaus AH. Neuroimage 2020;207: 116432
  • Psychometric evaluation of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ) using item analysis according to the Rasch model. Upegui-Arango LD, Forkmann T, Nielsen T, Hallensleben N, Glaesmer H, Spangenberg L, Teismann T, Juckel G, Boecker M. PLoS ONE 2020;15(8): e0232030
  • Personality, meaning of life and fear of death in affective disorders Pilot study with outpatient psychotherapy patients. Mavrogiorgou P, Chmielewski F, Harming S, Juckel G. Psychotherapeut 2020;65(4): 304-312
  • Religion-sensitive psychotherapy and psychiatry - basic knowledge and practical experience. Juckel G. Psychiatr Prax 2020;47(5): 284-285
  • [Assessment of family based intervention needs by a direct survey of patients with a psychiatric disorder]. Zogas K, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. Psychiatr Prax 2020;47(3): 128-134
  • Skin diseases in patients with primary psychiatric disorders. Mavrogiorgou P, Mersmann C, Gerlach G, Herpertz S, Juckel G. Psychiatry Investig 2020;17(2): 157-162
  • Cigarette smoke exposure has region-specific effects on GDAP1 expression in mouse hippocampus. Mundorf A, Rommel S, Verheyen M, Mergia E, Peters M, Freund N. Psychiatry Res 2020;289: 112979
  • Death anxiety and attitude to death in patients with schizophrenia and depression. Mavrogiorgou P, Haller K, Juckel G. Psychiatry Res 2020;290: 113148
  • Social problem solving in adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Thoma P, Sonnenburg S, Marcinkowski N, Juckel G, Edel MA, Suchan B. Psychiatry Res 2020;285: 112721
  • Impaired cognitive self-awareness mediates the association between alexithymia and excitation/inhibition balance in the pgACC. Kühnel A, Widmann A, Colic L, Herrmann L, Demenescu LR, Leutritz AL, Li M, Grimm S, Nolte T, Fonagy P, Walter M. Psychol Med 2020;50(10): 1727-1735
  • Targeted bisulfite sequencing: a novel tool for the assessment of DNA methylation with high sensitivity and increased coverage. Moser DA, Müller S, Hummel EM, Limberg AS, Dieckmann L, Frach L, Pakusch J, Flasbeck V, Brüne M, Beygo J, Klein-Hitpass L, Kumsta R. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2020;120: 104784
  • [Psychometric properties and dimensionality of the German Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSS): validation in a sample of psychiatric patients]. Spangenberg L, Teismann T, Forkmann T, Rath D, Schönfelder A, Paashaus L, Juckel G, Stengler K, Glaesmer H. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol 2020;70(9-10): 405-411
  • Maternal separation in rats induces neurobiological and behavioral changes on the maternal side. Bölükbas I, Mundorf A, Freund N. Sci Rep 2020;10(1): 22431
  • The role of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism in acquired capability for suicide. Wannemueller A, Forkmann T, Glaesmer H, Juckel G, Paashaus L, Rath D, Schönfelder A, Moser D, Kumsta R, Teismann T. Suicide Life Threat Behav 2020;50(6): 1121-1126
  • Heroism against death anxiety and psychopathology: "self-worth" as protective factor in outpatient psychotherapy. Chmielewski F, Hanning S, Swidder-Darku J, Ueberberg B, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. Verhaltenstherapie 2020;30(4): 271-280
  • Heroism against fear of death and psychopathology: self-esteem as a protective factor in outpatient psychotherapy. Chmielewski F, Hanning S, Schwidder-Darku J, Ueberberg B, Juckel G, Mavrogiorgou P. Verhaltenstherapie 2020;30(2): 178-178
  • Schizophrenia as parasitic behavior manipulation: can we put together the pieces of an evolutionary puzzle? Brüne M. World Psychiatry 2020;19(1): 119-120